Staff Tech Support Ticket
Staff WiFi/Private address
Please Fill out this form: log into the BPS WiFi network using password bps02806Make sure to turn private address off:Turn private address off or on for a networkIn some cases, a network migh...
Printing - Windows
If you have a Windows device, please install any printers that you wish to use. - Please type - "\ BPS-Print" in the "Run" box and press the "Enter" key - You will see a list of available printers - Double click on any printer that you wish to print to (Please also install "FindmePaperCut" to u...
Copy machine instructions
Using the new BPS Copy MachinesLogging in:Find the white icon below the START button to swipe your FOB (image on left) DO NOT USE phone icon (image on right) Click YES when this screen appearsEnter your Barrington Google username and passwo...
Printing - Chromebooks
To Print: - Click on the Printer icon - Click on the drop-down arrow next to "Save as PDF" - Select "See More" - You will see a list of the available printers in your building. Select one and click on "Print".You should see a new green icon in your Chromebook's shelf (tray at the bottom of your ...
Youtube restricted
YOUTUBE Restricted mode on? Follow this tip to turn it off… 1. Go to YOUTUBE 2. Click on your Google Icon at the far right of the screen, a drop-down will appear, click the Restricted Mode on the arrow. (you must be logged in to account) 3. Turn Restricted mode to off.
Staff personal devices on WiFi
If you would like to utilize a personal device on the school network, please fill out the following form:
Google Drive
Google Drive Training Drive vs. Docs Office Docs are stored locally/physically or on a network Google drive is stored “in the cloud” in other words on a google server Uploading your h drive to your google drive From google drive, click new, file upload - or new, folder upload Find the file...
Chromebook Troubleshooting Guide
Observing A Student
Please note: This new feature may allow you to receive many notifications from the students you are observing.You may want to modify your Canvas Notifications for better control over these notifications. Please review this article for more information. Log in to Canvas to see your dashboardIf yo...
Canvas Notifications
Each person in Canvas has the ability to modify their notifications in two ways, one at the Account level and one at the Course level.The Account level notifications apply to all courses. Notifications for individual Courses can be changed within each course and will override the Account-level no...
Grades: Canvas to Aspen
Note if you plan on manually entering Canvas grades directly into Aspen, it's important that: All scores are entered in the “Post Column Term” You only click the “POST”button, NOT “Update Post Columns” . You are posting directly from what you manually entered. Please make sure that your ...
2023 - Semester 1 End Grades
Read the updated information for academic year 23-24
Connecting to BPS internal Network
To log into the Barrington Public Schools internal network, please go to: https://mac.barringtonschools.orgPlease use your BPS Windows “Username” and “Password”. Also make sure that the “Barrington” domain is selected from the dropdown menu.We are using two factor authentication to access these...
MacBook Help Sheet
MacBook Help Sheet Casting Go to the top right corner, and click the switches icon next to the date. Then click on Screen Mirroring. Click the name of the Apple TV you want to connect to. The na...
Manually Update Chromebook
1. Turn on your Chromebook.2. Connect your Chromebook to Wi-Fi.3. At the bottom right, click on the time4. Select the setting’s Icon5. At the bottom left, select About ChromeOS.6. Under "Google ChromeOS," select Check for updates.7. If your Chromebook finds a so...
How do I change the status of a submission in the Gradebook? needed, you can use the Grade Detail Tray to change the status for an assignment, discussion, or quiz submission. Available statuses include late, missing, excused, or none (...
Observing A Student
Please note: This new feature may allow you to receive many notifications from the students you are observing.You may want to modify your Canvas Notifications for better control over these notifications. Please review this article for more information. Log in to Canvas to see your dashboardIf yo...
Canvas Notifications
Each person in Canvas has the ability to modify their notifications in two ways, one at the Account level and one at the Course level.The Account level notifications apply to all courses. Notifications for individual Courses can be changed within each course and will override the Account-level no...
Grades: Canvas to Aspen
Note if you plan on manually entering Canvas grades directly into Aspen, it's important that: All scores are entered in the “Post Column Term” You only click the “POST”button, NOT “Update Post Columns” . You are posting directly from what you manually entered. Please make sure that your ...
2023 - Semester 1 End Grades
Read the updated information for academic year 23-24